> Inspired by multiple Solr mailing list entries during the last month or
> two, I did some search performance testing on our 11M documents / 49GB
> index using logged queries on Solr 4 with MMapDirectory. It turns out that
> our setup with Solid State Drives and 8GB of RAM (which leaves 5GB for
> disk cache) performs nearly as well as having the whole index in disk
> cache; the SSD solution delivering ~425 q/s for non-faceted searches and
> the memory solution delivering ~475 q/s (roughly estimated from the
> graphs, sorry). Going full memory cache certainly is faster if we ignore
> warmup, but those last queries/second are quite expensive.
> http://sbdevel.wordpress.com/2013/06/06/memory-is-overrated/

This is awesome! Concrete info is better than speculation.

I think it might be time to split the SSD section of
SolrPerformanceProblems into its own wiki page and expand it.

Have you come across any way yet to have RAID1 with TRIM support,
especially on Linux? RAID10 would be even better.  This is the hurdle that
keeps me from getting serious about SSD.


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