Hi All,

I am trying to benchmark SOLR Cloud and it consistently hangs. 
Nothing in the logs, no stack trace, no errors, no warnings, just seems stuck.

A little bit about my set up. 
I have 3 benchmark hosts, each with 96GB RAM, 24 CPU's and 1TB SSD. Each host 
is configured to have 8 SOLR cloud nodes running at 4GB each.
JVM configs: http://apaste.info/57Ai

My cluster has 12 shards with replication factor 2- http://apaste.info/09sA

I originally stated with SOLR 4.2., tomcat 5 and jdk 6, as we are already 
running this configuration in production in Non-Cloud form. 
It got stuck repeatedly.

I decided to upgrade to the latest and greatest of everything, SOLR 4.3, JDK7 
and tomcat7. 
 It still shows same behaviour and hangs through the test.

My test schema and config.
Schema.xml - http://apaste.info/imah
SolrConfig.xml - http://apaste.info/ku4F

The test is pretty simple. its a jmeter test with update command via SOAP rpc 
(round robin request across every node), adding in 5 fields from a csv file - 
id, guid, subject, body, compositeID (guid!id).
number of jmeter threads = 150. loop count = 20, num of messages to add/per 
guid = 3; total 150*3*20 = 9000 documents.  

When cloud gets stuck, i don't get anything in the logs, but when i run netstat 
i see the following.
Sample netstat on a stuck run. http://apaste.info/hr0O 
hycl-d20 is my jmeter host. ssd-d01/2/3 are my cloud hosts.

At the moment my benchmarking efforts are at a stand still.

Any help from the community would be great, I got some heap dumps and stack 
dumps, but haven't found a smoking gun yet.
If I can provide anything else to diagnose this issue. just let me know.



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