On 6/19/2013 2:18 AM, Ralf Heyde wrote:
> Hello Folks,
> is it possible to disable the replication for ALL cores using one
> command? We currently use Solr 3.6.
> Currently we have a curl operation, which fires:
> http://<slave_host>:<port>/solr/<core>/admin/replication/index.jsp?poll=disable
> In the documentation there is a URL-Command which seems to be correct,
> but it says "404".
> http://slave_host:port/solr/replication?command=disablepoll

I don't think there is a way to do this, because each Solr core is
self-contained and its configuration is independent of the others.

The URL that you have shown that doesn't include the core name will only
work in a multicore environment if the defaultCoreName attribute is
found in solr.xml, and will only access the specific core that is named
there.  I know this attribute works in Solr 4.x, but I don't know if it
worked in 3.x.  I have never used it.

It might actually make sense to add one or more actions to the CoreAdmin
for this, but I'm fairly sure that the feature doesn't currently exist.


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