On 19 June 2013 21:15, sérgio Alves <sd_t_al...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Right now we're having problems with some common search terms. They
> return varied results on the search results, and the products which
> should appear first in the results, are scored lower than other,
> seemingly unrelated, products.
> I wanted to know if there is a parameter or any possible way for me to
> know the way that solr calculates the scores it returns. For example, if
>  we had a search relevancy formula like
> QF=attributes_name^15+attributes_brand^10+attributes_category^8, how can
>  I know that brand scored 'x', for
>  name 'y' and category 'z'. Is that possible? How can I do that?

To get an explanation of the scoring, add debugQuery=on
as a parameter to your Solr search URL. Please see
There are also various 'explain' parameters that might be

I take it that you have already seen


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