Hi Sergio,

Append '&debugQuery=on' to your queries to learn more about how your queries 
are being evaluated/ranked.


You'll get an XML section that is dedicated to debug information.

I've found http://explain.solr.pl/ useful in understanding and visualizing the 
debug output.


-----Original Message-----
From: sérgio Alves [mailto:sd_t_al...@hotmail.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, June 19, 2013 11:45 AM
To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
Subject: Question about SOLR search relevance score


My name is Sérgio Alves and I'm a developer in a project that uses solr as its 
search engine.

Right now we're having problems with some common search terms. They 
return varied results on the search results, and the products which 
should appear first in the results, are scored lower than other, 
seemingly unrelated, products.

I wanted to know if there is a parameter or any possible way for me to 
know the way that solr calculates the scores it returns. For example, if
 we had a search relevancy formula like 
QF=attributes_name^15+attributes_brand^10+attributes_category^8, how can
 I know that brand scored 'x', for
 name 'y' and category 'z'. Is that possible? How can I do that?

This is urgent, if someone could take the time and answer this 
topic to me in a quick manner, I would really appreciate it.

Thank you very much for the attention, best regards,

Sérgio Alves                                      

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