I have two entities in 1:n relation - PackageVersion and Tag.
I have configured DIH to use CachedSqlEntityProcessor and everything works
as planned.
First, Tag entity is selected using the query attribute. Then the main
Ultra Fast.

Now I am adding the delta import.
Everything runs and loads, but too slow.
Looking at the db profiler output i see :

   1. the delta query of the inner entities run first - which is good.
   2. the delta query of the main entities runs later - which is still good.
   3. deltaImportQuery of the main entity with each of the ID's runs as a
   single select can be improved using "where in" all the result. Is it

   All of the Query attribute of the other tables are running now. This is
   bad. (In real life I have more than one table in 1:n connection). for
   instance I get a lot of

   select ResourceId,[Text] PackageTag
   from [dbo].[Tag] Tag
   Where  ResourceType = 0

run. Because it is from the Query attribute - there is no where clause for
using the ids.
a. How can I fix it ?
b. Can I translate the importquery to use "where in"
c. There is no real order for all the select when requesting deltaImport.
is it possible to implement the caching also when updating delta?

Here is my configuration

<entity name="PackageVersion" pk="PackageVersionId"
        query=  "select ....
                from [dbo].[Package] Package inner join
[dbo].[PackageVersion] PackageVersion on Package.Id =
        deltaQuery = "select PackageVersion.Id PackageVersionId
                      from [dbo].[Package] Package inner join
[dbo].[PackageVersion] PackageVersion on Package.Id =
                      where Package.LastModificationTime >
'${dataimporter.last_index_time}' OR PackageVersion.Timestamp >
        deltaImportQuery=" select ....
                from [dbo].[Package] Package inner join
[dbo].[PackageVersion] PackageVersion on Package.Id =
                Where PackageVersion.Id='${dih.delta.PackageVersionId}'" >

                <entity name="PackageTag" pk="ResourceId"
processor="CachedSqlEntityProcessor" cacheKey="ResourceId"
                        query="select ResourceId,[Text] PackageTag
                                   from [dbo].[Tag] Tag
                               Where ResourceType = 0"
                        deltaQuery="select ResourceId,[Text] PackageTag
                                    from [dbo].[Tag] Tag
                                    Where ResourceType = 0 and
Tag.TimeStamp > '${dih.last_index_time}'"
                        parentDeltaQuery="select PackageVersion.PackageVersionId
                                          from [dbo].[Package]

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