BTW: Just found out that a delta import is only supported by the
SqlEntityProcessor .
Does it matter that I defined processor="CachedSqlEntityProcessor"?

On Tue, Jul 2, 2013 at 5:58 PM, Mysurf Mail <> wrote:

> I have two entities in 1:n relation - PackageVersion and Tag.
> I have configured DIH to use CachedSqlEntityProcessor and everything works
> as planned.
> First, Tag entity is selected using the query attribute. Then the main
> entity.
> Ultra Fast.
> Now I am adding the delta import.
> Everything runs and loads, but too slow.
> Looking at the db profiler output i see :
>    1. the delta query of the inner entities run first - which is good.
>    2. the delta query of the main entities runs later - which is still
>    good.
>    3. deltaImportQuery of the main entity with each of the ID's runs as a
>    single select can be improved using "where in" all the result. Is it
>    possible?
>    4.
>    All of the Query attribute of the other tables are running now. This
>    is bad. (In real life I have more than one table in 1:n connection). for
>    instance I get a lot of
>    select ResourceId,[Text] PackageTag
>    from [dbo].[Tag] Tag
>    Where  ResourceType = 0
> run. Because it is from the Query attribute - there is no where clause for
> using the ids.
> a. How can I fix it ?
> b. Can I translate the importquery to use "where in"
> c. There is no real order for all the select when requesting deltaImport.
> is it possible to implement the caching also when updating delta?
> Here is my configuration
> <entity name="PackageVersion" pk="PackageVersionId"
>         query=  "select ....
>                 from [dbo].[Package] Package inner join 
> [dbo].[PackageVersion] PackageVersion on Package.Id = 
> PackageVersion.PackageId"
>         deltaQuery = "select PackageVersion.Id PackageVersionId
>                       from [dbo].[Package] Package inner join 
> [dbo].[PackageVersion] PackageVersion on Package.Id = PackageVersion.PackageId
>                       where Package.LastModificationTime > 
> '${dataimporter.last_index_time}' OR PackageVersion.Timestamp > 
> '${dih.last_index_time}'"
>         deltaImportQuery=" select ....
>                 from [dbo].[Package] Package inner join 
> [dbo].[PackageVersion] PackageVersion on Package.Id = PackageVersion.PackageId
>                 Where PackageVersion.Id='${}'" >
>                 <entity name="PackageTag" pk="ResourceId" 
> processor="CachedSqlEntityProcessor" cacheKey="ResourceId" 
> cacheLookup="PackageVersion.PackageId"
>                         query="select ResourceId,[Text] PackageTag
>                                    from [dbo].[Tag] Tag
>                                Where ResourceType = 0"
>                         deltaQuery="select ResourceId,[Text] PackageTag
>                                     from [dbo].[Tag] Tag
>                                     Where ResourceType = 0 and Tag.TimeStamp 
> > '${dih.last_index_time}'"
>                         parentDeltaQuery="select 
> PackageVersion.PackageVersionId
>                                           from [dbo].[Package]
>                                           where 
> Package.Id=${PackageTag.ResourceId}">
>                </entity>
> </entity>

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