Where do you get the docid from? Usually its best to just look at the whole
algorithm, e.g. docids come from per-segment readers by default anyway so
ideally you want to access any per-document things from that same

As far as supporting docvalues, FieldCache API "passes thru" to docvalues
transparently if its enabled for the field.

On Mon, Jul 1, 2013 at 4:55 PM, Michael Ryan <mr...@moreover.com> wrote:

> I have some custom code that uses the top-level FieldCache (e.g.,
> FieldCache.DEFAULT.getLongs(reader, "foobar", false)). I'd like to redesign
> this to use the per-segment FieldCaches so that re-opening a Searcher is
> fast(er). In most cases, I've got a docId and I want to get the value for a
> particular single-valued field for that doc.
> Is there a good place to look to see example code of per-segment
> FieldCache use? I've been looking at PerSegmentSingleValuedFaceting, but
> hoping there might be something less confusing :)
> Also thinking DocValues might be a better way to go for me... is there any
> documentation or example code for that?
> -Michael

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