I am migrating from solr 3.6 to 4.3.1.  Using the core create rest call, 
something like:

I am able to add data to the index it creates within the /home/solrdata/foo 
directory and search it.  The solr config however does not contain the dataDir 
path.  When the process is restarted the dataDir is set to /home/solrdata and 
not /home/solrdata/foo.

Now if I create the index, index some docs, stop the process, manually edit the 
solr.xml  to include dataDir search works.

I am not sure but it seems that in the following class dataDir is not persisted 
in a case that looks like it is work in progress for solr 5.0.


I also played with passing properties in the create args of the form:


That didnt seem to help but I may not be understanding the exact property 

Any clues?



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