There's been a lot of action around this recently, this is
a known issue in 4.3.1.

The short form is "it should all be better in Solr 4.4" which
may be out in the next couple of weeks, assuming we
can get agreement.

But look at Solr-4862, 4910, 4982 and related if you want
to see the ugly details.


On Tue, Jul 9, 2013 at 3:50 AM, Chris Collins <> wrote:
> I am migrating from solr 3.6 to 4.3.1.  Using the core create rest call, 
> something like:
> I am able to add data to the index it creates within the /home/solrdata/foo 
> directory and search it.  The solr config however does not contain the 
> dataDir path.  When the process is restarted the dataDir is set to 
> /home/solrdata and not /home/solrdata/foo.
> Now if I create the index, index some docs, stop the process, manually edit 
> the solr.xml  to include dataDir search works.
> I am not sure but it seems that in the following class dataDir is not 
> persisted in a case that looks like it is work in progress for solr 5.0.
>         CoreContainer.addPersistOneCore
> I also played with passing properties in the create args of the form:
>         property.dataDir=/home/solrdata/foo
> That didnt seem to help but I may not be understanding the exact property 
> syntax.
> Any clues?
> Cheers
> C

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