Hello to all,

I load solr by data-import.

I add in db_data_config.xml inside the product entity the tag entity as follow :


 <entity name="product_tags"
                    query="select t.name as tags, id_product
                                FROM ps_product_tag as pt
JOIN ps_tag as t ON pt.id_tag =t.id_tag AND t.id_lang=2
                                WHERE id_product='${product.id_product}'"
parentDeltaQuery="select id_product as id from ps_product where id_product=${product_features.id_product}">
                <field column="tags" name="tag" />
</entitiy> //main product entity close

shema.xml :
<field name="tag" type="text_fr" indexed="true" stored="true" multiValued="true" />

When I use a comon "select" query I get the field "tag" and his values .

However when i use edimax query with the following details, I'm not able to retreive the field "tag". And it seems that it is not taken in match score too.

The edimax qf parameters are :
qf=id^1.0 ref^9.0 name^6.0 descriptif^1.0 cat^7.0 brand^5.0 fphonetic^5.0 tag^7.0 features^3.0

Could you help me to understand why ?



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