My guess is that you're not really passing on the boost field's value
and getting the default. Don't quite know how I'd track that down though....


On Tue, Jul 9, 2013 at 4:09 AM, imran khan <> wrote:
> Greetings,
> I am using nutch 2.x as my datasource for Solr 4.3.0. And nutch passes on
> its own <boost> field to my Solr schema
> <field name="boost" type="float" stored="true" indexed="false"/>
> Now due to some reason I always get <boost> = 0.0 and due to this my Solr's
> document score is also always 0.0.
> Is there any way in Solr that it ignores the <boost> field's value for its
> document's score calculation ?
> Regards,
> Khan

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