On 7/10/2013 6:57 AM, Jed Glazner wrote:
So, while it's 'just as risky' as you say, it's 'less risky' than a new
version of java and is possible to implement without downtime.

I believe that if you update one node at a time, there should be no downtime. I've not actually tried this, so it would be a very good idea for you to try on a testbed.

It is actually something of a pain point that the upgrade path to
solrcloud seems to frequently require downtime. (clusterstate.json changes
in 4.1, and then again this big change in 4.4 with no solr.xml).

Looking through CHANGES.txt, I cannot see any issues mentioning a format change in clusterstate.json except for SOLR-3815, which was fixed in 4.0, not 4.1. I do see some commits on that issue after 4.0 was released, but they would have gone into 4.2.1, not 4.1, and the description for one of those later commits says that it adds information to clusterstate.json, it doesn't say anything about changing the format. What documentation or issues are you seeing regarding a format change in 4.1?

As far as I know, elimination of solr.xml has not happened yet, and will not happen in the 4.x timeframe. There is a new solr.xml format for core discovery that will be used in the 4.4 example, but it is completely optional - you will be able to continue to use the existing format in all 4.x releases. Things are likely to be different in 5.0, but nobody is working on actual release plans for 5.0 yet.


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