Hi Alex,

I'm not sure I follow - are you trying to create a ConfigSolr object from data 
read in from elsewhere, or trying to export the ConfigSolr object to another 
process?  If you're dealing with solr core java objects, you'll need the solr 
jar and all its dependencies (including solrj).

Alan Woodward

On 22 Jul 2013, at 15:53, Alexandre Rafalovitch wrote:

> Does it mean that I can easily load Solr configuration as parsed by Solr
> from an external program?
> Because the last time I tried (4.3.1), the number of jars required was
> quite long, including SolrJ jar due to some exception.
> Regards.,
>   Alex
> Personal website: http://www.outerthoughts.com/
> LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/alexandrerafalovitch
> - Time is the quality of nature that keeps events from happening all at
> once. Lately, it doesn't seem to be working.  (Anonymous  - via GTD book)
> On Mon, Jul 22, 2013 at 7:32 AM, Alan Woodward <a...@flax.co.uk> wrote:
>> Hi Robert,
>> The upcoming 4.4 release should make this a bit easier (you can check out
>> the release branch now if you like, or wait a few days for the official
>> version).  CoreContainer now takes a SolrResourceLoader and a ConfigSolr
>> object as constructor parameters, and you can create a ConfigSolr object
>> from a string representation of solr.xml using the ConfigSolr.fromString()
>> static method.
>> Alan Woodward
>> www.flax.co.uk
>> On 22 Jul 2013, at 11:41, Robert Krüger wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I use solr embedded in a desktop app and I want to change it to no
>>> longer require the configuration for the container and core to be in
>>> the filesystem but rather be distributed as part of a jar file.
>>> Could someone kindly point me to the right docs?
>>> So far my impression is, I need to instantiate CoreContainer with a
>>> custom SolrResourceLoader with properties parsed via some other API
>>> but from the javadocs alone I feel a bit lost (why does it have to
>>> have an instance directory at all?) and googling did not give me many
>>> results. What would be ideal would be to have something like this
>>> (pseudocode with partly imagined names, which hopefully illustrates
>>> what I am trying to achieve):
>>> ContainerConfig containerConfig =
>>> ContainerConfigParser.parse(<InputStream from Classloader>);
>>> CoreContainer  container = new CoreContainer(containerConfig);
>>> CoreConfig coreConfig = CoreConfigParser.parse(container, <InputStream
>>> from Classloader>);
>>> container.register(<name>, coreConfig);
>>> Ideally I would like to keep XML format to reuse my current solr.xml
>>> and solrconfig.xml but that is just a nice-to-have.
>>> Does such a way exist and if so, what are the real API classes and calls
>> to use?
>>> Thank you in advance,
>>> Robert

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