Hi, I am using Solr 4.3.1 with 2 Shards and replication factor of 1,
running on apache tomcat 7.0.42 with external zookeeper 3.4.5.

When I query "select?q=*:*"

I only get the number of documents found, but no actual document. When I
query with rows=0, I do get correct count of documents in the index.
Faceting queries as well as group by queries also work with rows=0.
However, when rows is not equal to 0 I do not get any documents.

When I query the index I see that a query is being sent to both shards, and
subsequently I see a query being sent with just ids, however, after that
query returns I do not see any documents back.

Not sure what do I need to change, please help.


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