: Here is what my schema looks like

what is your uniqueKey field?

I'm going to bet it's "tn_lookup_key_id" and i'm going to bet your 
"lowercase" fieldType has an interesting analyzer on it.

you are probably hitting a situation where the analyzer you have on your 
uniqueKey field is munging the values in such a way that when the 
coordinator node decides which N docs to include in the response, 
and then asks the various shards to give it those specific N 
docs, those subsequent field fetching queries fail because of an 
analysis mismatch.

you need to keep your uniqueKeyField simple -- i strongly recommend a 
basic StrField.  If you also want to do "lowercase" lookups on your key 
field, index it redundently in a second field.

: *<fields>
:       <field name="_version_" type="long" indexed="true" stored="true"
: multiValued="false" />
:       <field name="bill_account_name" type="lowercase" indexed="true"
: stored="true" required="false" />
:       <field name="bill_account_nbr" type="lowercase" indexed="true"
: stored="true" required="false" />
:       <field name="cust_name" type="lowercase" indexed="true" stored="true"
: required="false" />
:         **<field name="tn_lookup_key_id" type="lowercase"
: indexed="true" stored="true" required="true" />
: </fields>*


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