On 7/30/2013 6:59 PM, Roman Chyla wrote:
> I have been wanting some tools for measuring performance of SOLR, similar
> to Mike McCandles' lucene benchmark.
> so yet another monitor was born, is described here:
> http://29min.wordpress.com/2013/07/31/measuring-solr-query-performance/
> I tested it on the problem of garbage collectors (see the blogs for
> details) and so far I can't conclude whether highly customized G1 is better
> than highly customized CMS, but I think interesting details can be seen
> there.
> Hope this helps someone, and of course, feel free to improve the tool and
> share!

I have a CMS config that's even more tuned than before, and it has made
things MUCH better.  This new config is inspired by more info that I got
on IRC:


The G1 customizations in your blog post don't look like they are really
G1-specific - they may be useful with CMS as well.  This statement also
applies to some of the CMS parameters, so I would use those with G1 as
well for any testing.

UseNUMA looks interesting for machines that actually are NUMA.  All the
information that I can find says it is only for the throughput
(parallel) collector, so it's probably not doing anything for G1.

The pause parameters you've got for G1 are targets only.  It will *try*
to stick within those parameters, but if a collection requires more than
50 milliseconds or has to happen more often than once a second, the
collector will ignore what you have told it.


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