On 7/31/2013 12:24 AM, William Bell wrote:
> But that link does not tell me which on you are using?
> You are listing like 4 versions on your site.
> Also, what did it fix? Pause times?
> Any other words of wisdom ?

I'm not sure whether that was directed at me or Roman, but here's my

I run one copy of my index on Solr 3.5.0 and another copy on Solr 4.2.1.
 I have a completely separate (and much smaller) index using SolrCloud
on 4.2.1.

I was seeing GC pause times of 8-10 seconds on both 3.5.0 and 4.2.1 with
an untuned CMS collector.  When I switched that to G1 (also untuned), I
was seeing pause times of 12 seconds.  The average GC time did go down,
but the long stop-the-world pauses were worse.  I used the jHiccup tool
to see the problem.

I went to a CMS config much like what Roman used on his benchmarks, and
that improved things greatly, but I was still seeing occasional pauses
long enough to make my load balancer ping check (5 second timeout) think
that the index had gone down.

I later tried the CMS config that's on my wiki page.  That seems to have
fixed my load balancer problem.  I do still see pauses of up to a
second, but they are not frequent.  We have more page load delay from
our webapp than we do from Solr, so users aren't noticing when searches
occasionally take a little longer.


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