On Fri, Oct 11, 2013 at 11:08 AM, Shawn Heisey <s...@elyograg.org> wrote:

> On 10/11/2013 8:17 AM, Christopher Gross wrote: ....
> > Is there a spot in a Solr configuration that I can set this up to use
> From what I can tell, not yet.
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-3854
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-4407
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-4470

> I'm wondering why you want to do this, though.  It adds extra CPU
> overhead.  Perhaps not a lot, but it's not free.
> As for protecting Solr against eavesdropping, is it in a location where
> that's possible?  The bottom line is this:  People that you cannot trust
> should not have direct access to Solr.  It should be firewalled so only
> trusted personnel and applications can talk to it.
Oh, they should be firewalled, but I can't (yet) with the existing network
architecture.  It's out of my direct control -- I'm just trying to stay one
step ahead of the game.

> Anyone who has direct access to Solr can change your index, delete your
> index, and send denial of service queries.  If you take steps to block
> access to the update handler(s) and the admin UI, denial of service
> queries are still possible.  Blocking access to the update handlers and
> admin UI is not something Solr itself can do - that's a job for the
> servlet container.
> Related general issue: The /browse handler included in the example
> (which utilizes code written in velocity) requires that the user have
> direct access to Solr.  This makes its very design insecure.  That
> handler is intended as a demonstration of Solr's capabilities and how to
> use them, it's not for production.
Good to know, I'll make sure that I've bumped this in my configs.  Thanks!

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