
I am using solr 4.4 as cloud. while creating shards i see that the last
shard has range of "null". i am not sure if this is a bug.

I am stuck with having null value for the range in clusterstate.json
(attached below)

"shard5":{ "range":null, "state":"active", "replicas":{"core_node1":{
"state":"active", "core":"Web_shard5_replica1",
"node_name":"domain-name.com:1981_solr", "base_url":"
http://domain-name.com:1981/solr";, "leader":"true"}}}},

I tried to use zookeeper cli to change this, but it was not able to. I
tried to locate this file, but didn't find it anywhere.

Can you please let me know how do i change the range from null to something
meaningful? i have the range that i need, so if i can find the file, maybe
i can change it manually.

My next question is - can we have a catch all for ranges, i mean if things
don't match any other range then insert in this shard..is this possible?

Kindly advice.


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