
My spell requesthandler looks like this

<requestHandler name="/spell" class="solr.SearchHandler" startup="lazy">
    <lst name="defaults">
      <str name="df">spell</str>
      <!-- Solr will use suggestions from both the 'default' spellchecker
           and from the 'wordbreak' spellchecker and combine them.
           collations (re-written queries) can include a combination of
           corrections from both spellcheckers -->
      <str name="spellcheck.dictionary">default</str>
      <str name="spellcheck.dictionary">wordbreak</str>
      <str name="spellcheck">on</str>
      <str name="spellcheck.extendedResults">true</str>       
      <str name="spellcheck.count">10</str>
      <str name="spellcheck.alternativeTermCount">5</str>
      <str name="spellcheck.maxResultsForSuggest">5</str>       
      <str name="spellcheck.collate">true</str>
      <str name="spellcheck.collateExtendedResults">true</str>  
      <str name="spellcheck.maxCollationTries">10</str>
      <str name="spellcheck.maxCollations">5</str>         
    <arr name="last-components">

As you see the parameter spellcheck.maxResultsForSuggest is set to 5  

To my surprise removing the parameter completely seams to solve the problem, I 
will keep on testing the impact when removing this parameter. Thanks for the 
fast response      

Med venlig hilsen / Best regards

Daniel Borup
Tel: (+45) 28 87 69 18
E-mail: d...@alpha-solutions.dk

-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: Dyer, James [mailto:james.d...@ingramcontent.com] 
Sendt: 11. november 2013 15:54
Til: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
Emne: RE: spellcheck solr 4.3.1

There are 2 parameters you want to consider:

First is "spellcheck.maxResultsForSuggest".  Because you have an "OR" query, 
you'll get hits if only 1 query term is in the index.  This parameter lets you 
tune it to make it suggest if the query returns n or fewer hits.  My memory 
tells me, however, that if you leave this parameter out entirely, it will still 
return suggestions for "OR" queries with some misspelled words (false memory on 
my part?).  Possibly you have this set to 1?  Omitting it might be a better 
option.  See 

Second is "collateParam", which lets you override certain query parameters when 
the spellchecker is testing collations against the index.  For instance, if you 
have "q.op=OR", the spellchecker will return collations that possibly only have 
1 correct term.  The reason is it simply checks if a collation will return any 
hits.  So you can overide this with "spellcheck.collateParam.q.op=AND".  The 
same can be done for "mm" if using edismax.  See 
http://wiki.apache.org/solr/SpellCheckComponent#spellcheck.collateParam.XX .

James Dyer
Ingram Content Group
(615) 213-4311

-----Original Message-----
From: Daniel Borup [mailto:d...@alpha-solutions.dk]
Sent: Monday, November 11, 2013 7:38 AM
To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
Subject: spellcheck solr 4.3.1


I am running af solr 4.3.1 and working is implementing spellcheck using 
solr.DirectSolrSpellChecker everything seems to be working  fine but at have 
one issue.

If I search for

the result is some hits and the spell component return the following structure.

<lst name="spellcheck">
<lst name="suggestions">
<bool name="correctlySpelled">true</bool>
I would have liked that if some suggest were found they were return....

If I do a search for

with larsen spelled wrong (larsenn) the spell component return the following:

<lst name="spellcheck">
<lst name="suggestions">
<lst name="larsenn">
<int name="numFound">1</int>
<int name="startOffset">8</int>
<int name="endOffset">15</int>
<int name="origFreq">0</int>
<arr name="suggestion">
<str name="word">larsen</str>
<int name="freq">12</int>
<bool name="correctlySpelled">false</bool>
<lst name="collation">
<str name="collationQuery">kim AND larsen</str> <int name="hits">12</int> <lst 
<str name="kim">kim</str>
<str name="larsenn">larsen</str>

In my point of view this is correct but, if I do the same search as above just 
as an OR search http://localhost:8765/solr/MainIndex/spell?q=kim%20OR%20larsenn
The spell component return some result and:

<lst name="spellcheck">
<lst name="suggestions">
<bool name="correctlySpelled">true</bool>

larsenn now is spelled corrected according to solr, I cannot understand this 
behavior. Is there a setting to adjust the spell component so it always return 
suggestions ? or a way to have suggest in OR search with one wrong word working?

Med venlig hilsen / Best regards

Daniel Borup
Tel: (+45) 28 87 69 18
E-mail: d...@alpha-solutions.dk<mailto:d...@alpha-solutions.dk>

Alpha Solutions A/S
Sølvgade 10, 1.sal, DK-1307 Copenhagen K
Tel: (+45) 70 20 65 38
Web: www.alpha-solutions.dk<http://www.alpha-solutions.dk/>

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