Got it in one. Thanks!

On 2/11/14, 9:50 AM, "Shawn Heisey" <> wrote:

>On 2/11/2014 10:21 AM, Jeff Wartes wrote:
>> I¹m working on a port of a Solr service to SolrCloud. (Targeting v4.6.0
>>at present.) The old query style relied on using /solr/select?qt=foo to
>>select the proper requestHandler. I know handleSelect=true is deprecated
>>now, but it¹d be pretty handy for testing to be able to be backwards
>>compatible, at least until some time after the initial release.
>> So in my SolrCloud configuration, I set <requestDispatcher
>>handleSelect="true²> and deleted the /select requestHandler as suggested
>> However, my /solr/collection1/select?qt=foo query throws an ³unknown
>>handler: null² error with this configuration. Has anyone successfully
>>tried handleSelect=true with the collections api?
>I'm pretty sure that if you won't have a handler named /select, then you
>need to have default="true" as an attribute on one of your other handler
>See line 715 of the example solrconfig.xml for Solr 3.5:

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