I've been running for awhile now.
        After a rather trying day/night trying to get this working, I was
able to. For future reference:

I have 2 public subnets routed to my Cisco 675. One's configured on the eth0
interface, the other is configured on the vip0 interface (a virtual
interface...the traffic is actually passed out the eth0 physical interface).
The SonicWall is configured on the primary network (the one I configured on
eth0...this shouldn't matter though). Under General -> Network I used the
'Add LAN Subnet' feature and added the network address & subnet of the
network configured on the vip0 interface. Here's the tricky (or frustrating)
part...in order to get it all working, I had to add a static route that
pointed /just/ the gateway configured on the vip0 address to the WAN
interface (not a specific IP on the interface). So it looks like:

gateway,,, WAN

I did that by entering the gateway under 'Destination Network', the subnet
under the subnet field, /leaving the 'Gateway' field blank/, and selecting


-----Original Message-----
From: Dude, Curtis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, June 07, 2002 6:05 AM
Subject: RE: [SonicWALL]- Mutliple LAN subnets behing SW Pro

I got that same error until I loaded the most recent Firmware. Then it
worked. Sounds like your close.


-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Ian McBride
Sent: Thursday, June 06, 2002 4:49 PM
Subject: RE: [SonicWALL]- Mutliple LAN subnets behing SW Pro

        Ok, got this figured out...it was a provider issue (imagine that).
        One last question. I'm trying to put the machines in the second
subnet in the DMZ. When I try to add the range, or even a single IP to the
DMZ addresses section, I keep getting:

The following parameter had problems: Add Range pair

        I've tried defining the range under Advanced -> Intranet and General
-> Network but no luck.

-----Original Message-----
From: Ian McBride [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, June 06, 2002 12:03 PM
Subject: [SonicWALL]- Mutliple LAN subnets behing SW Pro

        I gave up on doing NAT for the LAN and DMZ because I couldn't get it
configured without the Sonicwall locking up and having to hard reset it.
        Here's what I'm trying to do now: I've now got 2 public subnets
routed to my Cisco 675...one's going to the eth0 interface and the other is
going to the vip0 interface. One would like to think it would be as easy as
adding the additional subnet under General -> Network, but apparently it's
not. I tried to set up a static route as well but that didn't seem to work
either. Does anyone have experience with a config like this and care to
share their thoughts?
        Thanks as usual :)
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