On 08.11.2020 17:55, Christos Zoulas wrote:
> In article <20201108145236.3a009f...@cvs.netbsd.org>,
> Kamil Rytarowski <source-changes-d@NetBSD.org> wrote:
>> -=-=-=-=-=-
>> Module Name: src
>> Committed By:        kamil
>> Date:                Sun Nov  8 14:52:36 UTC 2020
>> Modified Files:
>>      src: BUILDING
>>      src/distrib/sets: sets.subr
>>      src/doc: BUILDING.mdoc
>>      src/share/man/man5: mk.conf.5
>>      src/share/mk: bsd.README bsd.man.mk bsd.own.mk
>> Log Message:
>> Remove the support for MKCATPAGES
>> It was optional since 1999 and disabled by default since 2012.
>> Proposed on tech-userlevel@.
> What about the sets?
> christos

I'm test-building a local patch removing the cat files, directories and
a few other remnants.

Once it will be done, I will land it.

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