South Sudanese president denies arresting ex-army chief of staff

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August 5, 2017 (JUBA)- South Sudan President Salva Kiir has denied
arresting Paul Malong Awan, former chief of general staff of the Sudan
People’s Liberation Army whom he ousted out of office last May,
despite reports of deteriorating health.

JPEG - 24.5 kb
President Salva Kiir, (L), accompanied by army chief of staff Paul
Malong Awan, (R), waves during an independence day ceremony in the
capital Juba, on July 9, 2015 (Photo AP)

President Kiir, according to his adviser on military affairs and a
leading member of the political bureau of the governing Sudan People’s
Liberation Movement (SPLM) has not arrested Malong, a former ally who
played a key role in the conflict which erupted in 2013.

“There have been reports and people calling me to inquire whether Paul
Malong has been arrested and my answers were no, I am not aware. When
these calls persisted, I decided to ask the President and he told me
no, he had not ordered any arrest for Malong,” Daniel Awet Akot told
Sudan Tribune on Saturday.

"The President also told me he did not receive any report about his
health. If he was sick, the President would have been informed. There
are people with him," he added.

While Akot denies the arrest of Awan, Lucy Ayak, wife of Gen. Paul
Malong Awan Anei, former Chief of SPLA General Staff, called President
Salva Kiir to allow him (Malong) to travel out of the country for a
medical attention, saying she was concerned with the health of her

“The last time I spoke to you Mr President, you promised me that my
husband would not be harmed, and I took you at your word because I
believed that you are a man that stands by your words Mr President.
But I should bring to your attention the fact that my husband is not
currently in good health, as I am also sure that you well know. He has
been having routine checkups and treatment both in Juba and Nairobi
over the time he has been working under your command,” wrote Ayak.

She said the condition under which her husband was being held and the
tension surrounding the house was becoming a cause of concern to the
family. She further underscored that he has no access to his doctors
or any other medical personnel.

"I, therefore, appeal to your usual humanity and sense of correctness
your Excellency, please allow my husband to seek the medical help he
urgently needs because it is the right thing to do to him and the
family at the moment,” she called.

The South Sudanese security services kept briefing President Kiir that
Malong has been working to evict him and take the lead of the
leadership of the country. His role in the military confrontation in
Juba in July 2016 and the initiatives he had taken however convinced
many in the country that he had no consideration for his hierarchy.

After his removal, the General Malong denied intention to rebel
against the government.

In a speech delivered at a public rally held in Yirol town, Eastern
Lakes State, where he suspended his travel to his home region of
Aweil, he asserted that all that had been said against him were just
rumours and that he only wants peace to prevail in the country.


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    5 August 23:59, by lino

    Was Gen. Malongdiit the Chief Engineer of July, 2016?!!! Now South
Sudanese will know the truth without further delay!!!

    repondre message
    6 August 02:07, by Theone

    G . Paul and his family have lost my respect and almost all South
Sudanese since youtube video appeared.

    People are starving and his son is expending millions with women
without regard starving children.

    Why don’t you bring all Doctors you can buy to Juba?

    repondre message
        6 August 05:53, by Newsudan

        Kiir Mayardit said one thing today and then tomorrow it is
different thing, enquiries from M7 is destroying South Sudan.

        repondre message
    6 August 06:28, by Tilo

    Hahaha Malong,

    What goes around comes around, You were the king and today the
simple me is better because I have all my freedom, I can move freely
in Juba (from Custom to Gudele, Muniki, Juba n konyo2)
    Kiir is killing you silently, you are a dead stock, keeping you
away from your doctor is equally killing while kiir and Akol Kur
cannot be blame for your dead

    repondre message
    6 August 07:43, by Akeen Mangarthon


    You need to understand that Gen. Paul Malong has maintained all
what it takes to be a patriotic citizen. your bad comments here on ST
cannot hold water on his legacy. The failed coup attempted twice in
Juba by Riek Machar crowned Gen. Paul Malong’s kingdom.Should he
waited for hierarchy by that time, your freedom you are claiming in
Juba would have not been there.

    repondre message
        6 August 07:54, by Akeen Mangarthon

        He is a well known loyal officer to SPLM/SPLA movement since
day 1 to-date. He stood firm with leadership especially the incumbent
president. The bitter 2004 in Rumbek is a reference and worse
rebellion led by Kharbino in Gogrial 1995-1998 is another reference.
you people just forget easily in Juba about what a native citizen had
done and that is your bad part in Juba.

        repondre message
            6 August 08:06, by Akeen Mangarthon

            what are you going to gain when you exaggerate fake wishes
that President has bad relation with Malong and he arrested him? My
assurance to you is that Gen. Malong is relieved as a government
routine but his legacy remain unshake no matter rubbish you are trying
to create over the media.

            repondre message
                6 August 08:31, by Tilo

                Akeen Mangarthon

                We did not deny that he was one of the loyal patriotic
S. Sudanese, for sure he was but not anymore, Since he started
unnecessary killing of the citizen and promoting tribalism in the army
by using Mathiang Anyor etc, he totally lost it and he is nothing to
the other community as we speak.
                The atrocities committed has buried the good did buddy

                repondre message
        6 August 08:46, by Tilo

        Akeen Mangarthon,

        Most S. Sudanese love this country and were enjoying though
with no service since independency but not anymore because the
government [SPLA] has instigate war in the country.
        Most of citizen wish the current leaders to vanish so that
peace can prevail, Is it really hard to share a peace of cake equally
and allow the ordinary citizen to make their living peacefully?

        repondre message
        6 August 11:58, by Agany Malim

        Akeen! what patriotic do you mean for malong? Is’t if a man
kill his own people and practing corruption plus looting the common
citizens in the country is what you mean? On my understanding of being
a patriotic is: 1 to accept the races and work peaceful to unite your
people and develops your country

        repondre message
    6 August 09:24, by Eastern

    Daniel Awet Akot is a bloody lair.....typical of SPLA and SPLM!!

    repondre message
        6 August 10:15, by Newsudan

        no Kiir Mayardit is quack captain of ship therefore steering
it in wrong direction no any body blame.

        repondre message
        6 August 13:58, by South South


        You are one of the most people who lie everyday. Just take
your claim that you live in Juba, while all of us know you are hiding
somewhere in US. How do you call that old man?

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