Abyei talks due to resume this month in Addis Ababa

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August 5, 2017 (KHARTOUM) - The Sudanese committee for the
administration of Abyei area Saturday said it would meet with its
South Sudanese counterpart from 17 to 18 August in Addis Ababa.

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Members of Abyei Joint Oversight Committee in a meeting (AU file photo)

Ownership of Abyei, a disputed border region contested by Sudan and
South Sudan, remained contentious after the world’s youngest nation
split from Sudan in 2011.

There is no joint administration between Sudan and South Sudan, as the
Ngok Dinka refuse the formation of Abyei Joint Oversight Committee
(AJOC). Instead, they call to hold a referendum without the Sudanese
pastoralist Misseriya.

Now there are two committees one for the Misseriya appointed by the
Sudanese government and another for the Ngok Dinka appointed by Juba

The head of the Sudanese committee Hassan Ali Nimir told the
semi-official Sudan Media Center (SMC) the meeting would discuss the
implementation of the June 20th, 2011 agreement between Sudan and
South Sudan.

He said the meeting of the traditional administration will discuss
issues of peaceful coexistence as well as individual issues that occur
between members of the two tribes.

The Sudanese official stressed the need for the United Nations Interim
Security Force for Abyei (UNISFA) to play its full role in maintaining
security and protecting residents of the region.

On 27 June 2011, the Security Council, by its resolution 1990,
responded to the urgent situation in Abyei by establishing the UNISFA.

UNISFA’s establishment came after Sudan’s government and the Sudan
People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) reached an agreement in Addis
Ababa, Ethiopia, to demilitarise Abyei and let Ethiopian troops
monitor the area.

The Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) provides that the contested
territory remains part of the north until the organisation of a
referendum determines its fate.

The difference over who will participate in the referendum prevents
the two countries from holding the agreed referendum.

However, the Dinka Ngok organised a unilateral referendum from 27to 29
October 2013 to say they want to join the Republic of South Sudan.

Khartoum, Juba, the African Union and the international community
refused to recognise the outcome of the vote.


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    6 August 12:38, by Ayuiu Makuac Lam

    Who will talk with Sudan about Abyei?
    South Sudan are enjoying senseless civil war over power.

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