
import threading
import soya

class soyathread:
    def __init__(self):
        soya.path.append(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])) = soya.World()
        """ etc whatever you wish to do.. set and such"""

    def run(self):
        self.idler = soya.Idler(

class mainthread(threading.Thread):
    def __init__(self,soyaref):
        self.soyaref = soyaref
    def run(self):
        while 1:
            IO = raw_input('\r\nType 'stop' to stop soya>>> ')
            if IO == 'stop': self.soyaref.idler.stop() # soya idler quits.
if __name__ == '__main__':
    soyathread = soyathread()
    mainthread = mainthread(soyathread)

There are even better ways to do this so you can stop rendering to
save cpu (and so you can resume it later). Can't remember how I did
years back. But I assume this is enough for you since you just want to
stop the thread.

On 9/10/08, Bastian Venthur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi
> assuming my application runs in two threads: one for the soya stuff and
> the other to steer the first thread -- how to do I stop the
> soya-mainloop running in the first thread from the second thread?
> I've currently two solutions:
> Solution 1:
> Thread2 sets a shared variable which is checked in Thread1 (eg in a
> begin_round)
> If Thread1 detects, that this variable is set, it calls
> soya.MAIN_LOOP.stop()
> Problem: It takes a while (sometimes minutes) until the main-loop quits.
> I suppose the problem is, that Thread1 which runs the mainloop eats up
> all the CPU cycles and it just takes some random amount of time until
> Thread2 can actually set the variable.
> Solution 2:
> Instead of running the mainloop in Thread1, I just call the update
> method repeatedly:
>   while not stopping:
>       time.sleep(0.025)  # 40 FPS
>       my_mainloop.upate()
> the sleep call assures that Thread2 doesn't starve. Setting "stopping"
> in Thread2 has immediate effect on Thread1.
> Problem: due the sleep call (no matter how small the value is -- even 0)
> causes the rendered output to judder -- it looks like 4 FPS not 40.
> What would be your solution to stop the soya-thread from a second one,
> without losing performance in the rendering?
> Cheers,
> Bastian
> --
> Bastian Venthur                            
> Debian Developer                                 venthur at debian org
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