Jesus M. Rodriguez wrote:
Please note that with this release, Spacewalk 0.2 will no longer be
available. If you are still using Spacewalk 0.2, please upgrade to
Spacewalk 0.4.

I find one problem post release as well. Monitoring started sending Notification Meltdown after one day. I spend this day on this problem and hopefully fixed it. Backports are in SPACEWALK-0.4 branch already and the packages are build right now.
Can you push it to repo when finished please:

Errrr. The builds failed:
GenericError: Unable to complete build: release mismatch (build: 1.el5, rpm: 1)

Dennis, is it possible that you removed buildsys-macros from dist-5E-sw-0.4-candidate ?

Miroslav Suchy
RHN Satellite Engineering, Red Hat

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