On Wed, Nov 23, 2011 at 03:14:01PM +0000, Speagle, Andy wrote:
> > > Please apply the following patch to the "rhn-clone-errata.py" script.
> > Highlights are:
> > >
> > >
> > > 1)      Users can choose to sync all configured channels at once.
> > >
> > > 2)      Default behavior has been changed with regard to errata missing
> > packages.  By default, such errata will be skipped unless the user has
> > chosen specifically (via parameter) to ignore missing packages.
> > >
> > > Thank ye.
> > 
> > We have two rhn-clone-errata.py's in Spacewalk master:
> > 
> >     ./contrib/rhn-clone-errata.py
> >     ./scripts/clone-errata/rhn-clone-errata.py
> > 
> > Which one is the live one and which one should be deleted?
> The version in ./contrib was the original version offered by Lars is the 
> basis for my version, but can probably be removed at this point.  I don't 
> know at what point the ./scripts/clone-errata structure was created, but 
> that's where my developed version ended up.  

I've applied your patch but I have a couple of comments:

I've polished it not to add trailing spaces (do a git diff on your
change and it will show you in red) and fixed lines with mixed
space/tabs (also shown by gid diff), plus one or two typos.

Still, if you do git show on the commit (it's
82788f843583c33827dc660d0f64960c419c4d76 in Spacewalk master), you'll
see that the many indentations do not match because one line uses tabs
while other one uses spaces. It would be good to be consistent.

Also, the next time don't be affraid to make one patch per feature
or change -- that way they would be easier to review.

Thank you for the contribution.

Jan Pazdziora
Principal Software Engineer, Satellite Engineering, Red Hat

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