I received a Nigerian spam today. It was caught, but they have definitely mutated it beyond logic. Here is the kicker part:
"I must use this
opportunity to implore you to exercise the utmost
indulgence to keep this matter extraordinary
confidential, whatever your decision, while I
await your prompt response.Please visit this website :
Best Regards,
At first I was surprised to see a link in a 419. Then I went to it and expected it to be a phony page. Then I looked closely......
Check out the site!!! Notice the little orange box in the middle of the story!!!!
This is by far, the STUPIDEST tactic I have ever seen a spammer use! Looks like he might have taken a legit news article and tried to use it in is 419. Only to have the article have a very noticable link to what a 419 scam is!  I'm simply dumbfounded :)
I dare anyone to show me something dumber then this!

Chris Santerre
System Admin
"A little nonsense now and then, is relished by the wisest men."
 - Willy Wonka


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