I installed SpamAssassin as per the documentations available at the
 spamassassin.org. I instaleld all the dependent modules and it installed
 fine w/o any error,
 I checked and verified using the command listed in the USAGE file i.e.
#Mail-SpamAssassin-2.60# spamassassin -t < sample-nonspam.txt > nonspam.out
 #Mail-SpamAssassin-2.60# spamassassin -t < sample-spam.txt > spam.out

 And it worked as desired!! <fine>Then as I wanted to use it site-wide I
 followed the Instructions as per the USAGE and created a .procmailrc file in
 my home directory to test it with myself first.Then to run it on
 automatically I copied the script related to me in the init.d
#cp redhat-rc-script.sh /etc/rc.d/init.d/spamd.sh
 I also made sure that my ~/.procmailrc in my home dir has  |spamc  instead
 of  |spamassassin. and also all the PATH are correct.After this I started
 the spamd by:- #/etc/rc.d/init.d/spamd.sh start
It started fine and I could see it in 
ps-auxw| grep spamd as: -#root     11235  0.0  6.7 18684 17356 ? S    03:30   0:02 /usr/local/bin/spamd -d -c -a -m5 -H
As directed I did all the configuration of spamd with "root".Now when I go to verify it by
 #/etc/rc.d/init.d/spamd.sh status
I get the error:-
#spamd is stopped
Also when I do
 #/etc/rc.d/init.d/spamd.sh stop
I get the error as :-
#Shutting down spamd: ERROR!
And not to mention it does not work:-I am using linux which is
 very similar to Red-hat (Cobalt Qube 3) and I am using sendmail as MTA and
 procmail as MDA..Any help will be welcomed, I did a good search on this on
 spamassassin lists, I can find the people who have such error but none of
 the solution worked for them and for me too.I have already done basic
 trouble shooting by checking port used by spamd by netstat -lp and it indeed
 uses the desired port 783 with no conflict. Please help!!!
Rajdeep Larha

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