Well said. It wouldn't be spamDYKE at that point. ;)

Bgs wrote:
> Spamdyke is an smtp level filtering system while virus filtering is at 
> the data level. Absolutely different by design. Spamdyke is fast because 
> it does not bother to handle data. If you add virus filtering to it, it 
> would be "just-another-virus-scanner-with-dns-checks". It would loose 
> most of what it makes valuable. to be able to virus scan you need to 
> queue the data, which takes hdd space, IO, queuing system, etc. Right 
> now data is just passed through. With tls you would loose overview 
> anyway so part of the mails cannot be filtered.
> Bye
> Bgs
> Olivier Mueller wrote:
>> On Fri, 2008-05-16 at 15:39 +0200, Marcin Orlowski wrote:
>>> Sam Clippinger wrote:
>>>> I'd love to be able to do spam and virus scanning within spamdyke, 
>>> But what for? There's couple of tools you can use to scan (for whatever
>>> you want) incoming mails before they go to the user mailbox and drop
>>> mails when needed. Absolutely pointless feature to be added to spamdyke
>> Yes, but not always on SMTP-level, and IMHO it's better there since the
>> sender (if he's in the 3-4% of non-spams) will get an error message from
>> his smtp server in case of problems. Otherwise it will be "silently
>> dropped", and it's unpractical to debug issues...
>> regards,
>> Olivier

-Eric 'shubes'
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