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Daniel Snow schrieb:
> Hi!
> I would have a wishlist for spamdyke, because it is a real gret software,
> and I plan to use it in all of my installations.
> 1. It would be nice if I can quarantine everykind of message. I'm thinking
> of the messages denied by RBL lists for example. It is very rare that there
> can be false positives, but this feature would be very nice. If someone is
> looking for a mail, I can consult the logfile of course, but I can't
get the
> message back for the user, which can be a big problem.
That would raise your needed space to quarantine every mail. For me it
would be 97% of incoming.You
should think again about _why_ rblstmp ist blocking the mail-delivery
in the beginning. Keeping the mails
again would be more load of CPU and RAM. If someone is sending "legal"
mail, and it's would be denied
by any reason, you'll have a log, and the sender could be informed. If
someone is "missing" mails, he
will tell you.
> 2. For the lowering of false-positive messages created by RBLs, it would be
> nice if I could tell spamdyke to only greylist those, who come from an RBL,
> and if it passes the greylist-test, then let them in for further
> investigation (spamassassin, clamav etc.).
Greylist and RBL are two different things. You shouldn't mix them up.
RBL blocks _known_ bad IP's.
"False Positives" will only occure if the sender has an IP wich had
been abused before.

If you got more false-positives then i think, please tell us some
examples. Maybe there's a security
issue or something.
> Thank you very much!
> Daniel
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