Thanks for the fix.  I already checked one in like it into SVN a few
weeks back.  The upcoming release will avoid this problem.


On Tue, Jul 14, 2009 at 9:28 AM, Ping<> wrote:
> Sure. I am not completely sure that my fix is correct.
> Under two functions:
> NonParametricDistribution::densityFit
> NonParametricDistribution::varBWdensityFit
> I changed :
> (*d)[i] = (*d)[i] / k->size();
> into:
> if ( k->size() == 0)
>  (*d)[i] = 0;
> else
>  (*d)[i] = (*d)[i] / k->size();
> That is where I got the NAN error at the first point.
> Thanks,
> Ping
> On Jul 14, 8:46 am, GATTACA <> wrote:
>> Ping,
>> Could you post what changes you made to the
>> NonParametricDistribution.cxx to fix the NAN error?
>> Thanks.
>> On Jul 9, 1:21 pm, Ping <> wrote:
>> > Jimmy,
>> > Thanks for your information.
>> > I debug the TPP source code. There is a small bug inside the
>> > NonParametricDistribution.cxx which causes theNANerror in the
>> > previous tries.  I fix it and the PeptideProphetParser is working fine
>> > now.
>> > Also after enabling InteractParser option -P as Davis suggested, I do
>> > not need to replace the value in the "protein" with the first word
>> > from the "protein_descr" in each search_hit entry.
>> > Thanks again,
>> > Ping
>> > On Jul 6, 1:55 pm, Jimmy Eng <> wrote:
>> > > Has anyone been able to feedOMSSAnative pepXML output (using -op
>> > > option) through PeptideProphet?  I don't know if anyone has tested this
>> > > or ifOMSSAhas only been tested using a separate converter.
>> > > Replacing the protein word was to address the error message having no
>> > > DECOY entries.  This fix hopefully addressed that one point which is
>> > > seems to have done.  So to address the follow-up problem, minimally
>> > > you'll want to include the diagnostic output from PeptideProphetParser
>> > > in case anything obvious shows up from that info.  Possibly you'll need
>> > > to have a developer, who knows more than I do, take a closer look at
>> > > your data.
>> > > - Jimmy
>> > > Ping wrote:
>> > > > Jimmy,
>> > > > As you suggested, I replace the value in the "protein" with the first
>> > > > word from the "protein_descr" in each search_hit entry. But when I run
>> > > > PeptideProphetParser, it still gives the error message:
>> > > > ERROR:NANprobability density detected.  Please alert the
>> > > > developer !!!
>> > > > Is there anything else I need to fix?
>> > > > Thanks!
>> > > > Ping
>> > > > Here is the example of the result after I replace protein/
>> > > > protein_descr
>> > > > for not decoy string, it looks like this:
>> > > > <search_hit hit_rank="1" peptide="YPSRPLPPPPPFGLGFVPPPPPPYGPGR"
>> > > > peptide_prev_aa="R" peptide_next_aa="I" protein="gi|73975149|ref|
>> > > > XP_862242.1|" num_tot_proteins="3" num_matched_ions="15"
>> > > > tot_num_ions="54" calc_neutral_pep_mass="2949.569"
>> > > > massdiff="0.59985990298992" is_rejected="0" protein_descr="gi|
>> > > > 73975149|
>> > > > ref|XP_862242.1| PREDICTED: hypothetical protein XP_857149 isoform 2
>> > > > [Canis familiaris]" num_tol_term="2" num_missed_cleavages="0">
>> > > > <alternative_protein protein="gi|73975151|ref|XP_862273.1|"
>> > > > protein_descr="gi|73975151|ref|XP_862273.1| PREDICTED: hypothetical
>> > > > protein XP_857180 isoform 3 [Canis familiaris]"/>
>> > > > <alternative_protein protein="gi|73975153|ref|XP_862298.1|"
>> > > > protein_descr="gi|73975153|ref|XP_862298.1| PREDICTED: hypothetical
>> > > > protein XP_857205 isoform 4 [Canis familiaris]"/>
>> > > > <search_score name="pvalue" value="0.000002382663488"/>
>> > > > <search_score name="expect" value="0.028320338214958"/>
>> > > > </search_hit>
>> > > > For decoy string, it looks like this:
>> > > > <search_hit hit_rank="2" peptide="QESARYSAKVTVAGLEESATEAQQQIR"
>> > > > peptide_prev_aa="K" peptide_next_aa="S" protein="decoy_2098
>> > > > 2" num_tot_proteins="1" num_matched_ions="17" tot_num_ions="52"
>> > > > calc_neutral_pep_mass="2949.481" massdiff="0.9728599071700
>> > > > 05" is_rejected="0" protein_descr="decoy_20982">
>> > > > <search_score name="pvalue" value="0.000014221885248"/>
>> > > > <search_score name="expect" value="0.168173793062284"/>
>> > > > </search_hit>
>> > > > On Jul 2, 4:44 pm, Jimmy Eng <> wrote:
>> > > >> Ping,
>> > > >> I just downloadedOMSSA2.1.4 and tried the direct pep.xml export
>> > > >> myself.  I do see a problem with the resulting pep.xml file that the
>> > > >> "-op" option generates that's causing the problem you're seeing.
>> > > >> The key error message in your output is this:
>> > > >> WARNING: No decoys with label DECOY were found in this dataset.
>> > > >> Looking at the generated pep.xml files,OMSSAseems to be placing some
>> > > >> number in the protein="" attribute of each search_hit element.  
>> > > >> Whereas
>> > > >> PeptideProphet expects this protein attribute to contain some protein
>> > > >> identifier that includes the DECOY string for those decoy matches.  In
>> > > >> the converters we use, the value of the protein attribute is the first
>> > > >> word of the protein definition line.
>> > > >> As for a fix, we need someone at NCBI to address this and hopefully
>> > > >> someone here will contact them about this.  For you in the short term,
>> > > >> you're going to need a developer to modify you pep.xml files to 
>> > > >> replace
>> > > >> the value in the "protein" attribute with the first word from the
>> > > >> "protein_descr" attribute of each search_hit entry.
>> > > >> - Jimmy
>> > > >> Ping wrote:
>> > > >>> Hi,
>> > > >>> I am trying to run the xinteract on theomssapep.xml output files. my
>> > > >>>omssa'sversion is  2.1.4, my TPP version is 4.2.1. But I couldn't get
>> > > >>> it through. I search the old post, there is a similar post, but the
>> > > >>> problem was solved by specifying enzyme to xinteract.
>> > > >>> I tried it, but is still not working. InteractParse went through, but
>> > > >>> PeptideProphetParser got stuck by a segmentation fault.
>> > > >>> Any help would be greatly appreciated!
>> > > >>> Many Thanks,
>> > > >>> Ping
>> > > >>> ***** output for interactParser and PeptideProphetParser
>> > > >>> InteractParser 'interact.pep.xml' 'omssa.pep.xml' -L'7' -E'trypsin' 
>> > > >>> -C
>> > > >>> -P
>> > > >>>  file 1: ParoSaliv_SHAM_03.pep.xml
>> > > >>>  processed altogether 2623 results
>> > > >>> PeptideProphetParser 'interact.pep.xml' DECOY=DECOY MINPROB=0
>> > > >>> NONPARAM
>> > > >>> Using Decoy Label "DECOY".
>> > > >>> Using non-parametric distributions
>> > > >>>  (OMSSA) (minprob 0)
>> > > >>> WARNING!! The discriminant function forOMSSAis not yet complete.  It
>> > > >>> is presented here to help facilitate trial and discussion.  Reliance
>> > > >>> on this code for publishable scientific results is not recommended.
>> > > >>> init withOMSSATrypsin
>> > > >>> MS Instrument info: Manufacturer: UNKNOWN, Model: UNKNOWN, 
>> > > >>> Ionization:
>> > > >>> UNKNOWN, Analyzer: UNKNOWN, Detector: UNKNOWN
>> > > >>>  PeptideProphet  (TPP v4.2 JETSTREAM rev 1, Build 200905131510
>> > > >>> (linux)) akel...@isb
>> > > >>>  read in 75 1+, 1790 2+, 749 3+, 0 4+, 0 5+, 0 6+, and 0 7+ spectra.
>> > > >>> Initialising statistical models ...
>> > > >>> WARNING: No decoys with label DECOY were found in this dataset.
>> > > >>> reverting to fully unsupervised method.
>> > > >>> Iterations: .........10.........20
>> > > >>> Segmentation fault
> >

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