I am using xpress algorithms to get peak areas under curve (label free). I 
did some homework in this forum, and it turns out that it is doable by 
xpress according to this post:


In the above post, it is suggested to run xinteract with -X-M option, and 
then grab only "light area" in the pepxml file. So I did it using the 

xinteract -x20 -Opt -PREC -X-M-m0.05 -NResult.pep.xml somefile.raw.pep.xml 
(tpp v4.5 rapture rev 2)

Inside Result.pep.xml file, I found description of xpress algorithm:

<xpressratio_summary version="2.1 (TPP v4.5 RAPTURE rev 2, Build 
201307022022 (linux))" author="Jimmy Eng" same_scan_range="Y" 
labeled_residues="MLIGHT" xpress_light="0" massdiff="MLIGHT,1.00" 
masstol="0.05" min_num_chromatogram_points="6" min_num_isotope_peaks="0"/>

My questions are:

   1. Basically -M option defaults "MLIGHT" as labeled, not every amino 
   acid; Should I indicates all amino acid residues by using -n option?
   2. My raw data has been searched by setting parent mass tolerance of 
   20ppm. I am wondering if it is reasonable to set mass tolerance to 0.05 
   dalton here by using -m option. 
   3. for: min_num_chromatogram_points="6", is it to leave it just like 
   this or change to some other values?
   4. Is there any way to get protein level quantitation by use of peak 
   area of peptides?

I have these questions since, when I manually check the peak areas by 
xcalibur, it turns out to be very different than what xpress gives to me. 
So I figured that something must be wrong with my setting. Can somebody 
help me out on these issues? 

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