
I don't think this is the intended use of the TSV import function. 
SpectraST expects the following columns:

mzMLFile     scanNumber     peptideID     probability     scores     protein

In other words, you cannot specify the peak list in the TSV. The peak list 
must be read from an mzML file. The TSV only supplies the "header" of each 
entry, namely, the peptide, a probability of identification accuracy, any 
scores you would want to include, and optionally the protein mapped to by 
the peptide.

If you want to create a library out of an SRM transition list (which seems 
to be what you are trying to do), you may want to format the file like an 
MSP (NIST's library format, which is also similar to SpectraST's sptxt), 
and then import via that route. As a general comment though, I'd note that 
many functions of SpectraST -- e.g. consensus creation, decoy generation, 
spectral searching, etc -- are designed for full MS2 spectra. It probably 
won't work as intended if you feed it something else.


On Monday, July 16, 2018 at 10:52:56 AM UTC+8, ML wrote:
> Hi all,
> I’m a bit stuck on importing an existing PeakView library (tsv or txt 
> format) into SpectraST.
> In the log file from SpectraST it says the following :
> START: (Mon Jul 16 14:16:51 2018) spectrast -cNimported out.tsv 
> GENERAL: File offset size is 8 bytes. Big library supported.
> GENERAL: Pointer size is 8 bytes. 
> TSV IMPORT: Peptide ID too short. Skipped spectrum 778.427.427 .
> TSV IMPORT: Peptide ID too short. Skipped spectrum 778.498.498 .
> TSV IMPORT: Peptide ID too short. Skipped spectrum 778.569.569 .
> TSV IMPORT: Peptide ID too short. Skipped spectrum 778.214.214 .
> …
> "c:/TPP/data/dbase/speclibs/test/out.tsv"[P=0.9;n=;g=FALSE;o=FALSE;I=;_RNT=0;_RDR=100000;_DCN=0;_NAA=6;_NPK=10;_CEN=FALSE;_XAN=FALSE]
> TSV IMPORT: Total of 0 spectra imported, 3531720 spectra skipped.
> PERFORMANCE: Total Run Time = 54 seconds.
> END: (Mon Jul 16 14:17:45 2018) spectrast -cNimported out.tsv
> The column formats I've tried are:
> Q1    Q3    RT_detected    protein_name    isotype    
> relative_intensity    stripped_sequence    modification_sequence    
> prec_z    frg_type    frg_z    frg_nr    iRT    uniprot_id    decoy    N    
> confidence    shared
> and 
> PrecursorMz    ProductMz    Tr_recalibrated    transition_name    CE    
> LibraryIntensity    transition_group_id    ProteinName    GroupLabel    
> PeptideSequence    FullUniModPeptideName    UniprotID    decoy    shared    
> confidence    PrecursorCharge    FragmentType    FragmentCharge    
> FragmentSeriesNumber
> Any ideas?
> Moritz

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