Disclaimer: I haven’t read the full thread and for now don’t intend to, unless 
I get a compelling reason to. I apologise if this e-mail will repeat something 
already said.

All I wanted to say about this is that if we go down that rabbit hole, we will 
evenutally end with the question what license the SPDX file is under (CC0-1.0) 
and then ask ourselves what license CC0-1.0 in under – to which, after quickly 
skimming the text of the license/waiver¹, I can’t say I found any.

So what then? Are we allowed to even put SDXP data under that CC0-1.0 if we 
don’t have an explicit license to the license/waiver in the text of the 
license/waiver itself? If we aren’t the whole exercise is moot.

Yes, this is an argumentum ad absurdum FWIW.

Long story short: I’d say we shouldn’t concern ourselves with the question of 
the license of the license. If a condition of the license is that the text of 
the license should be distributed with the code, I’d argue that is a school 
example of an implied license and leave it at that.

1       https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/legalcode
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