I'm helping Behan Webster's E-ALE project properly describe and document the
license of their project in their repository.  (E-ALE is a large tutorial
project -- with materials pulled together from various sources -- and they
are primarily licensed under various versions of CC BY-SA.)

Of course, being a good SPDX citizen, I was going to use SPDX identifiers
where appropriate to describe the licenses.  But I'd never looked closely
(before today) at the identifiers available for CC licenses in SPDX.

I noticed two key problems when I did:

 * To describe the pre-4.0 versions of CC BY-SA, there are only identifiers
   for the "Unported" versions.  So, the SPDX identifier cannot actually be
   used to replace situations where someone, say, has used the "CC BY-SA 3.0
   United States" license.

 * The Full Names of the licenses on https://spdx.org/licenses/ are
   incomplete.   Most say something like:
      "Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike <VERSION>"

   But that's not the full name of the license according to CC.

I therefore suggest two changes to the SPDX License List:

 * Change existing Full Names to:
      "Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International"
      for the 4.0 version and,
      "Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike <VERSION> Unported"
      for the older ones.

   It seems that would be an uncontroversial change -- it just involves
   adding "International" and "Unported" into the Full Name field.  Does
   anyone have an argument why that *shouldn't* be done?

 * It *would* surely be controversial to add *every* version of *every*
    jurisdiction-specific CC license in the SPDX license list.  Instead of
    suggesting that, for the moment I suggest that "-Unported" should be
    added to identifier for the pre-4.0 ones (i.e., "CC-BY-SA-3.0" becomes
    "CC-BY-SA-3.0-Unported") so that no is confused by this situation.
Bradley M. Kuhn
Distinguished Technologist of Software Freedom Conservancy
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