Note that "Steve's tool is confident that package X has license A" allows
the SPDX Package X element created by Steve to have a license A property.

Gary's tool can create an SPDX Package X element with a license B property.

It's when both Steve and Gary want to re-use the same SPDX Package X
element created by Dick, but apply different licenses to it, that
relationships are required.


On Fri, Jun 16, 2023 at 9:49 AM Steve Winslow <> wrote:

> (cc spdx-legal)
> For what it’s worth, here are a few of my thoughts on this:
> * concludedLicense [0] is definitely something that different people /
> tools can reach different answers about.
> * As currently drafted for SPDX 3.0, I believe declaredLicense [1] is also
> something that people / tools can reach different answers about. Although
> it is talking about the license information “actually found in the
> software,” tooling may e.g. find different licenses, or assign different
> license identifiers to them (including custom licenses). I don’t see
> declaredLicense as something intrinsic and globally agreed-upon given the
> way the field is defined.
> * Additionally, keep in mind that the “same software” (e.g., the same
> bytes on disk) might be distributed to different users under multiple or
> differing licenses. E.g., a software package might be distributed under an
> open source license, with a separate proprietary license agreement
> negotiated with a specific recipient; or a software package which is under
> FOSS license A and later additionally licensed under FOSS license B,
> without updating notices within the work itself. I *think* this might not
> affect declaredLicense, if the software’s contents are not modified; but
> certainly could affect concludedLicense.
> My point with the last item is just to say that I’m not convinced the
> license is something “intrinsic” to the software, in an immutable or
> inherent sense. But at the same time, a software artifact doesn’t have to
> have (and in my mind, shouldn’t be assumed to have) just one single global
> SPDX ID associated with it. Multiple SBOM creators can create different
> SPDX IDs to talk about the “same” piece of software.
> I don’t know which way this tilts things in the “properties vs.
> relationships” discussion, given the tech team’s approaches for SPDX 3.0,
> but just sharing in case this is relevant. I’d encourage others from the
> legal team community to weigh in as well if they have different views here.
> Best,
> Steve
> [0]
> [1]

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