Just catching up – quite a thread!


Couple of inputs.


I was in the discussion when we created the declared and concluded license 
fields, and the intent was that the declared license was a fact which can be 
verified by looking at the source whereas the concluded license was something 
where different analysis (or even different opinions) may lead to different 


As Steve mentioned in his analysis, different tools may pick up different 
declared licenses, but I consider that similar to different tools may calculate 
different checksums for the same file if there is an implementation error – you 
can always to back to the source and verify and it should be treated as a 
“fact” for the artifact and something that should not change (if you trust the 
source of the Element metadata).


There are a large number of scenarios where the concluded license would change 
for the exact same artifact:

*       A software provider offers a choice of licenses (e.g. commercial or 
GPL-2.0-or-later; GPL-2.0-only or Apache-2.0), someone in the supply chain 
makes a decision
*       There is embedded open source that forces a license onto the package 
supplier (e.g. copy-left licenses)
*       The supplier information is not correct – something I actually run into 
a lot is open source software where all the files have one license and the 
package metadata says a completely different license




From: spdx-t...@lists.spdx.org <spdx-t...@lists.spdx.org> On Behalf Of Dick 
Sent: Friday, June 16, 2023 9:35 AM
To: 'David Kemp' <dk1...@gmail.com>; 'SPDX Technical Mailing List' 
<spdx-t...@lists.spdx.org>; 'SPDX-legal' <spdx-legal@lists.spdx.org>
Subject: Re: [spdx-tech] SPDX special meeting on Properties vs Relationships




There is no guesswork needed to “know” the terms of use with SAG-PM


Gary’s tool and other tools can “know” the license that is in effect for SAG-PM 
by reading the SBOM provided by REA. There is no need to “guess” (conclude) the 
SAG-PM license.




Dick Brooks


Active Member of the CISA Critical Manufacturing Sector, 

Sector Coordinating Council – A Public-Private Partnership


 <https://reliableenergyanalytics.com/products> Never trust software, always 
verify and report! ™


Email:  <mailto:d...@reliableenergyanalytics.com> 

Tel: +1 978-696-1788



From: spdx-t...@lists.spdx.org <mailto:spdx-t...@lists.spdx.org>  
<spdx-t...@lists.spdx.org <mailto:spdx-t...@lists.spdx.org> > On Behalf Of 
David Kemp
Sent: Friday, June 16, 2023 12:27 PM
To: SPDX Technical Mailing List <spdx-t...@lists.spdx.org 
<mailto:spdx-t...@lists.spdx.org> >; SPDX-legal <spdx-legal@lists.spdx.org 
<mailto:spdx-legal@lists.spdx.org> >
Subject: Re: [spdx-tech] SPDX special meeting on Properties vs Relationships


Note that "Steve's tool is confident that package X has license A" allows the 
SPDX Package X element created by Steve to have a license A property.

Gary's tool can create an SPDX Package X element with a license B property.

It's when both Steve and Gary want to re-use the same SPDX Package X element 
created by Dick, but apply different licenses to it, that relationships are 



On Fri, Jun 16, 2023 at 9:49 AM Steve Winslow <swins...@gmail.com 
<mailto:swins...@gmail.com> > wrote:

(cc spdx-legal)


For what it’s worth, here are a few of my thoughts on this:


* concludedLicense [0] is definitely something that different people / tools 
can reach different answers about.


* As currently drafted for SPDX 3.0, I believe declaredLicense [1] is also 
something that people / tools can reach different answers about. Although it is 
talking about the license information “actually found in the software,” tooling 
may e.g. find different licenses, or assign different license identifiers to 
them (including custom licenses). I don’t see declaredLicense as something 
intrinsic and globally agreed-upon given the way the field is defined.


* Additionally, keep in mind that the “same software” (e.g., the same bytes on 
disk) might be distributed to different users under multiple or differing 
licenses. E.g., a software package might be distributed under an open source 
license, with a separate proprietary license agreement negotiated with a 
specific recipient; or a software package which is under FOSS license A and 
later additionally licensed under FOSS license B, without updating notices 
within the work itself. I think this might not affect declaredLicense, if the 
software’s contents are not modified; but certainly could affect 


My point with the last item is just to say that I’m not convinced the license 
is something “intrinsic” to the software, in an immutable or inherent sense. 
But at the same time, a software artifact doesn’t have to have (and in my mind, 
shouldn’t be assumed to have) just one single global SPDX ID associated with 
it. Multiple SBOM creators can create different SPDX IDs to talk about the 
“same” piece of software. 


I don’t know which way this tilts things in the “properties vs. relationships” 
discussion, given the tech team’s approaches for SPDX 3.0, but just sharing in 
case this is relevant. I’d encourage others from the legal team community to 
weigh in as well if they have different views here.









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