> -----Original Message-----
> From: W. Trevor King [mailto:wk...@tremily.us]
> Sent: Friday, October 13, 2017 12:44 PM
> To: Richard Fontana; J Lovejoy
> Cc: Gary O'Neall; spdx-tech@lists.spdx.org; SPDX-legal
> Subject: Re: Providing access to FSF license metadata
> On Fri, Oct 13, 2017 at 02:30:18PM -0400, Richard Fontana wrote:
> > By the bye, one thing I'd find useful, either inside or outside of
> > SPDX, is some notion of correspondence of an FSF-approved license
> with
> > a counterpart OSI-approved, or SPDX-recognized, license.
> >
> > To illustrate, consider the MIT license. There is no MIT license
> > steward; the de facto standard text (basically for historical
> > reasons) is that on the OSI website,
> > https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
> I agree, and think the best way to maintain that sort of information is
> with automated SPDX license matching [1].  Then, everyone with license
> opinions (the OSI, FSF, etc.) publishes a list of reviewed license IDs
> (using SPDX IDs or their own custom IDs, e.g. [2]):
>   $ curl -s https://api.opensource.org/licenses/ | jq '[.[] | .id]'
>   [
>     "AAL",
>     "AFL-3.0",
>     "AGPL-3.0",
>     …
>   ]
> Then for each reviewed license, they provide a way to get the metadata.
> For example [3]:
>   $ curl -s https://api.opensource.org/license/AAL | jq .
>   {
>     "id": "AAL",
>     "identifiers": [
>       {
>         "identifier": "AAL",
>         "scheme": "SPDX"
>       },
>       …
>     ],
>     …
>     "text": [
>       {
>         "media_type": "text/html",
>         "title": "HTML",
>         "url": "https://opensource.org/licenses/AAL";
>       }
>     ]
>   }

Added an issue to the SPDX tools to generate the isOsiApproved flag based on 
the OSI provided API: https://github.com/spdx/tools/issues/111


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