Hi John, James,
    Thank you for sharing this with us!  :-)

    Would you be willing to join the tech team call on June 19th?
We'd like to understand this a bit more and ask some questions.

Kate & Gary.

On Thu, Jun 7, 2018 at 6:46 AM, John Scott (Ion) <john.sc...@ionchannel.io>

> Hi SPDX, Our amazing XML/XSD SME James Neushul has completed an initial
> version, see;
> https://spdx-xsd.specchain.org.
> For example - some of the licenses in the list have fields that aren't in
> the current SPDX spec.  I had to incorporate them in the SPDX XSD in order
> to implement the license list.  One benefit of the XSD might be the ability
> to use XSDCCM to configuration manage the spec so that they avoid/detect
> basic issues like that.
> Task 1
> Use SPDX XML License data in SEvA (pretty much done).
> Branch Task --
> Wrap SEvA in SPDX XML and use it to catalog, group and cross reference
> SEvAs and SEvA data.  Make it available as an SPDX tool and have SPDX as a
> way for people to use SEvA.  Benefit from the market position of SPDX ...
> participate in the community, and help define the industry at the data
> level.
> OPTIONAL:  Work with SPDX to recognize SPDX XML Schema as an authoritative
> product and host the authoritative XML Schema.
> RISK: Branch Task is an Implementation Schema for SPDX that contains SEvA
> data.  It could be considered to include ION Channel IP .. as to how you
> group and cross reference data and for what purpose .. so there's that to
> consider.
> -------------------------------------------
> John Scott, President, Ion Channel
>  240.401.6574 @johnmscott
> < john.sc...@ionchannel.io >
> www.ionchannel.io
>  [image: Inline image 1]
> *Software Supply Chain Intelligence*
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