Once signing up, how are nominations made?

On Tue, Mar 29, 2022 at 10:17 PM Steve Winslow <swins...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello SPDX community,
> Just wanted to send a reminder from Phil's original email announcing the
> SPDX project membership process -- see his email below.
> As mentioned previously, companies / organizations that become a member of
> SPDX prior to April 1 (before this coming Friday) will be able to
> nominate an individual from their organization for consideration for the
> initial Member Representative seats on the SPDX Steering Committee. On or
> shortly after April 1, we will send out details about the nomination
> process to all member companies as of that date, so that nominations can be
> submitted and the 1 or 2 Member Representatives chosen by the Steering
> Committee before their annual term begins on May 1.
> If you'd like for your company to nominate someone for consideration for
> the initial Member Representatives, please make sure that your company
> signs up as a member of SPDX on or before *this Thursday, March 31*.
> Please note that just being listed as an "SPDX Supporter" on
> https://spdx.dev is not itself the same as becoming a member of the
> project; you'll need to sign up as a member using the process Phil
> described below.
> (Of course, membership will still be open after that date, and future
> members could participate in nominations for future years' Member
> Representatives.)
> Best,
> Steve
> On Thu, Dec 2, 2021 at 3:03 PM Phil Odence via lists.spdx.org
> <phil.odence=synopsys....@lists.spdx.org> wrote:
>> Dear SPDX community,
>> With the adoption of the new project governance model for SPDX in
>> September, one new aspect of the updated structure is the introduction of
>> the ability for companies and other organizations to become official
>> members of the project.
>> We have been working with the Linux Foundation for them to configure
>> their membership enrollment platform for SPDX. Now that this has been
>> completed, we're happy to announce that organizations can begin signing up
>> as members of SPDX.
>> As a reminder, organizational membership in SPDX is *not* required in
>> order for anyone to contribute to or participate in the technical
>> development of SPDX. All of SPDX's code and specification development is
>> open to anyone to participate in, whether or not their organization is a
>> formal SPDX member -- same as always.
>> *Membership Benefits*
>> Membership in SPDX enables an organization to have their logo displayed
>> on the project website and materials to indicate their status as a "member"
>> of the project, and to identify them as such.
>> Additionally, with the governance change, the SPDX Steering Committee
>> will be expanded to include up to two individuals selected as Member
>> Representatives (see Section 2 of the Governance document
>> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/github.com/spdx/governance/blob/main/5._Governance.md*2-roles-responsibilities-and-terms__;Iw!!A4F2R9G_pg!LyN5nbidkcc2tRs6oRIqaRf0YzoW72oXVoAubS91mJ1PLRWOf86TlRFFlwKuJjwaedg$>).
>> Each organization that is a member of SPDX may nominate one person from
>> their organization as a candidate for selection
>> Organizations that become members of SPDX within the first four months
>> following December 1, 2021, may make a nomination for the initial selection
>> of Member Representatives during that four-month time period. After April
>> 1, 2022, the Steering Committee will choose the Member Representatives from
>> among the nominees. We will send updated details about this to the
>> then-current members as the deadline approaches. The terms for all Steering
>> Committee members, as specified in Section 2 of the Governance document,
>> will begin on May 1, 2022.
>> *Signing up*
>> Project membership in SPDX itself is available at no charge; however, an
>> organization must be a member of The Linux Foundation (which may include
>> fees for your organization) in order to become a member.
>> In order to become a member, go to
>> https://enrollment.lfx.linuxfoundation.org/?project=spdx
>> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/enrollment.lfx.linuxfoundation.org/?project=spdx__;!!A4F2R9G_pg!LyN5nbidkcc2tRs6oRIqaRf0YzoW72oXVoAubS91mJ1PLRWOf86TlRFFlwKuDMNEshQ$>
>>  to begin the signup process. If your organization is not already an LF
>> member, the LF membership agreement sign-up and billing will be included as
>> part of the process.
>> (Please note that the membership enrollment system may still ask for
>> billing information, even if your organization is already an LF member and
>> you are only signing up for SPDX membership.)
>> Please let us know if you or your organization have any questions about
>> becoming a member of SPDX.
>> SPDX Steering Committee
>> Phil, Kate, Gary, Jilayne, Steve, Paul and Jack

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