On 3-Apr-07, at 8:24 AM, Dick Hardt wrote:

> On 2-Apr-07, at 11:50 AM, Chris Drake wrote:
>> "User Centric" implies that sites don't store anything about me, and
>> that whenever they need to know stuff (eg: my email), they instead  
>> ask
>> my OpenID server, which returns them the answer (unless I've since
>> revoked permission or whatever).  Again - server-to-server (although
>> this time in the reverse direction) applies here.
> I understand why you think  User Centric implies a site does not
> store anything about me.


I *don't* understand why you think ...

> User Centric implies that the user is the center of the transaction.
> Server to server is so NOT User Centric!
> -- Dick
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