On 5/17/07, Johannes Ernst <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 5. The OpenID Auth 2.0 spec is far more complex than the 1.1 spec,
> without delivering a corresponding amount of value for the
> complexity. There is a stronger form of the complaint, which is: even
> if did deliver a corresponding amount of additional value that
> corresponds to the additional complexity, wasn't the whole point of
> OpenID to be simple, and we should leave it at that level of simplicity?

I think this argument is bogus. There is hardly any additional
complexity aside from XRI and Yadis. I'm willing to entertain
suggestions for simplifying the handling of those discovery
mechanisms. The specification is significantly *longer*, but that's
primarily because it's much more rigorously specified. If you want it
simplified, don't just talk abstractly about complexity, make
suggestions about how to simplify it.

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