This is the function of the existing DNS SRV record.  SRV 1 1 1 1
The Internet has an architecture already. Use it, don't try to reinvent it.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Eran Hammer-Lahav
Sent: Thu 03/01/2008 4:01 PM
To: 'OpenID specs list'
Subject: OpenID Email Discovery

(The full story is posted at but this 
contains the technical parts of the post).


This proposal adds Email Discovery allowing users to use their email address as 
an OpenID.




We need to map between the email to the OpenID identifier and this is where DNS 
comes in. DNS already has a system for resolving email addresses into an actual 
server - email resolution using an MX record. Why not add a new record type for 
OpenID. Basically another way to perform OpenID discovery that is all about 
making it user-friendly.


All that is needed is a URL the site performing discovery can append the email 
to and treat it as an OpenID identifier. This can be done using a OpenID TXT 
record: 'OpenID [username rule] [priority] [URL]' where [username rule] is a 
wildcard expression used to match the username part of the email (everything up 
to the '@'), [priority] is the MX-like priority value, and [URL] is the URL 
used to generate the OpenID identifier. The URL uses '*' to indicate where the 
username is inserted, and '**' to indicate where the full, URL-encoded, email 
address is inserted (both optional). For example:   TXT   'OpenID * 10 http://*'   TXT   'OpenID joe 10**'


Which reads: for any email address '' other than 'joe' use 
'' as the OpenID identifier. For email address 
'[EMAIL PROTECTED]' use '' as the 
OpenID identifier. Rules are processed first based on the username rule match 
(in order of match closeness) and then on priority which is used in the same 
manner as MX records priority.




There are many ways to implement identity delegation, but in the context of 
email identifiers and simplifying the user experience, the idea is to move the 
delegation mapping to the OpenID provider. When users sign-up for a new OpenID, 
they will be given the option, perhaps as a premium paid service, to make the 
OpenID provider map incoming identity checks for the user email address with 
their local OpenID identifier. So instead of the users telling the site about 
their local identity (using delegation), the OpenID provider will perform the 


In the above example, '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' has his OpenID managed by 
''. When signing up for an OpenID at '', Joe asked it to 
accept identity requests for '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' or at least provide delegation 
discovery. When Joe tries to log into an OpenID-enabled site using '[EMAIL 
PROTECTED]', the site convert the email address to the URL 
'' and use it like a regular OpenID 
identifier. '' will reply with the needed discovery information to 
get Joe authenticated using the OpenID protocol. By using the '**' symbol, the 
full email address is sent over to the OpenID provider which can perform 
mapping of identities other than its own local ones.


This can be viewed as hosted delegated identity where the OpenID provider also 
provides hosting of the OpenID delegation information for the user. It doesn't 
require any new standards except for implementation and support by OpenID 




Would love to get some feedback.





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