On Jan 4, 2008, at 12:07 PM, Trevor Johns wrote:

> On Jan 4, 2008, at 1:59 AM, Artur Bergman wrote:
>> Fair or not, I am tired of hearing how un-secure DNS, when  
>> everything we do is based on it, and it being the worlds largest  
>> working distributed database.
> There's a difference between working and secure. For example, email  
> works great but it's far from secure.

Whatever, this discussion is old and bores me. You can always go out  
and use DNSSEC.

>> There is SSL connecting to the provider that is being refereed  
>> from the srv/txt field. Which is no different than what you are  
>> referenced to from an A or CNAME or MX
> Which is why I said it depends on what is used as the claimed  
> identifier. If the user's email address is used as the claimed  
> identifier and I am able to change the user's record from:
>       example.com   TXT   ‘OpenID * 10 https://*.example.com/’
> to:
>       example.com   TXT   ‘OpenID * 10 https://*.myevilsite.com/’
> then all the SSL in the world won't help.
> If the email address _isn't_ the claimed identifier, then the end  
> user has to validate that their OP-local identifier (which they  
> don't know) is displayed correctly by the service provider. This is  
> worse than an SSL failure, there isn't even a dialog asking them to  
> click OK!
>> Not that it matters anyway, since people just click OK.
> If a service provider detects an SSL failure, there's no person  
> there to press okay. Their server will just summarily deny the  
> authentication request.
> The "click OK" problem is only between client-server communication.  
> This is server-server communication.

Isn't this just a lookup of email address -> openid/url that is then  
handled as a normal openid login?


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