depends on how you define ‚disinformation‘
crimethInc has a clear history, easily to track 

thanks andreas for opening up the discussion here!
i’m personally shocked by the war rhetoric from all sides. i worked the past 25 
years with artists from ukraine and russia in context trying to make borders 
unnecessary, call me naive, but i’m still 100% that we have to stand together 
against any kind of war - boycotts in the cultural sector would be confession 
of failure. (my subjective position)

there was just a post by geert lovink on nettime with many proposals for 
constructive action:

best, carsten

> Am 02.03.2022 um 15:49 schrieb Matias Schüttenberg <>:
> Is this the same desinformation campaign from Social Networks?? 
> Has someone researched on this subject there?
> On 2 Mar 2022 10:39, "Nicolas Montgermont" < 
> <>> wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> Maybe it is good to have the point of view of some political groups in 
> Ukraine and Russia.
> Here is an article from some anti anti-authoritarian ukrainian groups that is 
> two weeks old:
> <>
> Here is one by russian anarchists, updated one week ago.
> <>
> They really helped me to understand the political situation!
> Best,
> n
> PS : forgive me if these were already posted here.
> <>
> Le 02/03/2022 à 11:48, Spyros Boukas a écrit :
>> Hi everyone, 
>> I would like to share some thoughts that I have had since last week.
>> I apologize in advance for my English :) 
>> This is a world war that didn’t start last week.
>> It has started many years ago.
>> It has started straight after the end of the ‘’cold war’’ that was not cold 
>> at all.
>> It started with the first Gulf War in 1990, were the western Alliances 
>> attacked Iraq. 
>> And it continued with the occupation and destruction of many eastern 
>> countries since then. 
>> But in western countries and western media this was not a problem, because 
>> we were the ones that were bombing.
>> And because the dead people were Muslims.
>> In 1995 there was a massacre in Kosovo, the biggest massacre after the 
>> second world war, in which all the European countries took part, by their 
>> silence. 
>> And still, this was not a problem, because the dead people were Muslims. 
>> Here in Greece, the media were saying that the people were bombing their 
>> city by themselves 
>> because they were fanatic Muslims (the same ideology that continued with the 
>> second war in Iraq)
>> Now that the country that is attacking is not a western country, it is 
>> called war.
>> As if previously we were having peace in the world.
>> In Ukraine from 2014 there is a war and since then, 14000 people have died. 
>> If we look back when this started, we can see that this is something that 
>> was pushed from the western countries back then. 
>> By sending weapons and supporting the para-military of Ukraine and helping 
>> to establish a Fascist regime that oppresses the people and the working 
>> class of Ukraine 
>> and forwards neonazi ideologies and practices.
>> As the global Capitalistic crisis rises more and more, the war probably will 
>> come closer to us. 
>> But whenever the Bosses of this world are making wars to compete for their 
>> geopolitical thirst and capitalism expansion, we are the ones who always 
>> die...
>> As the war expands, our personal or collective dilemmas for participation 
>> for sure will get stronger. 
>> We should not join any National flag. We should fight in our countries 
>> against their participation in any war, 
>> because we will be the victims of something that we only have to lose. 
>> We have to lose our friends and beloved people’s lives or even our lives.
>> We won’t fight for anyone. 
>> Peace among the people, War among the Classes.
>> Together with the Oppressed people of Ukraine who are fighting against this 
>> war.
>> Together with the Oppressed and arrested people of Russia, who are fighting 
>> against this war.
>> <>
>>  Virus-free. 
>> <>
>> On Fri, Feb 25, 2022 at 3:36 PM Lanfranco Aceti < 
>> <>> wrote:
>> April 5, 2021 
>> <>
>> April 21, 2021 
>> <>
>> Dear Andreas, and everyone else, I hope you are well... Nice to see that you 
>> still can keep this unruly flock to toe the red line.... :)))) 
>> I hope you will enjoy the links. I do not approve or disapprove of the Cato 
>> Institute, I just find their writing very telling of a US mindset and liked 
>> the fact that these opinions were voiced almost a year ago. 
>> This clarification is in case someone would want to accuse me of being a 
>> puppet or client of the Cato Institute. By the way, to be a client one 
>> should have been paid something. Unfortunately, I haven't. :))))) (For those 
>> who might misunderstand, I would like to alert you to the fact that this 
>> paragraph is a sarcasm, including the present disclaimer.)
>> Lanfranco Aceti, Ph.D.
>> Artist, Curator, and Academic
>> Preferring Sinking to Surrender, Venice Architecture Biennale, 2021
>> Tools for Catching Clouds 
>> <>
>> Preferring Sinking to Surrender, Part I 
>> <>
>> Preferring Sinking to Surrender, Part II 
>> <>
>> Sacred Waters 
>> <>
>> Le Schiavone 
>> <>
>> Orthós 
>> <>  
>> Seven Veils 
>> <>
>> Lanfranco Aceti 
>> <>
>> Director and Founder, MoCC 
>> <>
>> Editor in Chief LEA, MIT Press 
>> <> 
>> On Fri, Feb 25, 2022 at 1:50 PM Andreas Broeckmann < 
>> <>> wrote:
>> folks,
>> please, refrain from personal insults; it's one of the "red lines" that 
>> this co-moderator and co-list-owner draws.
>> best regards,
>> -a
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>> SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
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>> -- 
>> Spyros Boukas
>> Dipl. Architect-Engineer [2011], National Technical University of Athens
>> Visual Arts - Virtual Reality for Archviz
>> tel.  0030 697 9073 042
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>> SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
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