Right. I think we've heard it all now. I'm not sure how we're supposed to read 
this. Is this culture jammin? Best poetry? Or deranged nonsense? It's an 
argument that dosen't even stand up to its own internal logic, if it can be 
called that. It's also pretty offensive on many levels. It could also pass 
quite convincingly as disinformation. I really give up trying to understand 
what the game is behind this. I find Steve Bannon's motto- "flood the field 
with shit" coming to mind.

This thread is becoming pretty pointless is this is the calibre of response to 
a situation so serious.





> On 8 Mar 2022 at 11:27, heath bunting  <heathbunt...@irational.org>  wrote:
>   >  Personally, I would prefer to start the conversation with the simple 
> >  question, what is required so that everybody can live in peace and 
> >  freedom? And rather than assume a trope like the "spheres of influence" 
> >  as a given, I would only want to discuss how this war can be stopped, 
> >  and how a situation in which future wars can be prevented.
> we have to constantly choose peace and freedom in all our interactions, 
> but also be courageous enough to acknowledge and integrate the horror
> of the will to power in ourselves and others
> ignoring the crimes against humanity of our 'leaders' will not bring peace
> in ourselves or for others
> are we willing occasionally to engage in the means of black activities 
> such child sex blackmail operations and human organ traffic financing to 
> obtained the ends ?
> are we then willing to integrate these activities into our peaceful 
> and free lives ?
> having a non-constituted extra-legal supra-national body, which can only 
> engaged in covert horror to survive, in our lives makes choosing peace and 
> freedom almost impossible
> imperialism is the supreme crime against humanity and should be the first 
> subject addressed in any conversation with intent to better the world
> "There are roughly 750 US foreign military bases; they are spread across 
> 80 nations! After the U.S is the UK, but they only have 145 bases. Russia 
> has about 3 dozen bases, and China just five."
> it is completely disproportionate to compare USA empire [USA, UK, Israel, 
> Saudi Arabia ...] with russia. the differential factor is 300/1.
> in my opinion, another word for wisdom is proportionality
> the first task of the day should always be to confront the USAE
> until is is gone
> russia [and others] are confronting the horror of USAE supported 
> euro-fascism, as they confronted islamo-fascism [and beat] in syria
> remember russia lost 20,000,000 people to euro-fascism in WWII
> this is not a regional war, this is a world war to kill USAE and its proxy 
> fighters
> the sooner ukraine surrenders and accepts the conditions of 
> de-nazification the less damage there will be
> this can be said for all of us as well
> all of us in 'the west' need to go through a process of imperial 
> decontamination
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