Dear All,

We have the pleasure to let you know about the publication of our book, /The Future of Media/, coedited by Goldsmiths Media and myself, which has just come out from Goldsmiths Press.

Here is the book’s description:

How do we combat post-truth in the news? Are social media influencers the journalists of today? What is it like to live in a smart city? Does AI really change ‘everything’? /The Future of Media/ investigates the future of media industries and technologies (journalism, TV, film, photography, radio, publishing, social media), while exploring how media shape our future – on a political, economic, cultural and individual level. Issues of diversity, media reform, labour, activism and art take the discussion into a wider social context. Through this, the book celebrates the importance and vitality of media in the modern world. /The Future of Media/ is also an experiment in collaborative modes of thinking and working. Co-authored by theorists and practitioners from one of the world’s most established media departments and their collaborators, it offers a radical, creative and critical take on media industries – and on world affairs.

An open-access version of the book can be downloaded from the GRO repository [click on the download button]: <>

If you like the book, we hope you will be able to support Goldsmiths Press by ordering a paper copy for yourself and/or your library, via their distributor, MIT Press: <>

The book also has a companion website, featuring practice works engaging with the future of media: <>


Joanna & Colleagues

Joanna Zylinska
Professor of Media Philosophy + Critical Digital Practice
King's College London
Department of Digital Humanities

Beyond Machine Vision: How to Build a Non-Trivial Perception Machine [open 
access article]

1000 Words: Writer Conversations on Photography [interview]
SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
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